“What am I supposed to do?” Is a common question when I’m shooting. Everyone from new mothers to professionals getting a head shot for their website have insecurity surrounding being photographed. Feeling like we should be doing something worthy of being photographed or mimicking what we’ve seen a million times in fashion magazines is normal, but it’s not good, because it isn’t true. Those ideas we have about what we are supposed to look like on camera are lies, often ones that aim to sell us something.
“I’m not photogenic.” Is another one that I’ve heard more times than I can count, from nearly everyone I’ve ever photographed, even the ones that are clearly incredible on camera, which is literally EVERYONE. You are incredible on camera. The camera loves you. Yes it does. Yes. YOU!
What makes a good photo of you?
YOU. Being you. Doing the things that make you feel like you. There is no product, makeup, photoshop effect, or instagram filter that can take the place of who you uniquely are and what you bring to this world.
This is why I love taking photos of people in their homes, doing things that they love, spending time with their families and pets.
As we continue to lean towards an ever increasing “gig-economy” how we represent ourselves online becomes more important. More is at stake. I have worked in the wellness and entertainment industries for years, where people are putting an emphasis on working for themselves in many capacities, and I see how having good quality photos of who you are and what you do can make a difference in your life. How are you representing yourself? Is every photo of you a dark iphone photo or a blurry selfie? Or are you showing the world who you are and what you do with beautiful images that help you find more gigs, clients, or opportunities?
Do you need photos for your website, instagram, or facebook campaign? Or do you need to get photos of you and your family, your bff, your furbaby? Don’t wait to get photos of you and the people and things you love, the world is crazy, time is unrelenting, memories fade, but photos can bring you back immediately.
Lucky you, here I am, your photographer.
Send me a message to set up a session to get some fresh photos. It can be you, doing anything. How do you want the world to see you?
Let’s make something memorable.
Smize for the camera, smiiiiize.