Kerry Constantino

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Workshop News and Buy the BOOK!!

It’s FALL! My favorite season. The sweaters are coming out, the soups are going on, and I’m stocking up on vitamin D so I can make it through the winter. 

October 2nd was the fall 35mm photo workshop at Ft. Williams Park and it was a beautiful, blustery dream. While we were out exploring the park, my student Rebecca said, “This is like a walking meditation with a camera.” I couldn’t agree more. That is exactly what I want it to be. 

The next workshop date will soon be set for the spring. I am currently considering running them in April, May, and June 2023. So, if you are interested in signing up, please let me know. You can email me at I will be contacting interested students as soon as the next date is set.

Over the course of the next few months, we will be going into winter, which is not exactly the best time to try and organize outdoor photo walks. Having said that, I actually adore a walk on a snowy day, camera in hand. If you and a friend, or a group of friends, or your whole family in Maine want to go on a winter photo walk, I would absolutely love it. Photo walks last around 2 hours and can start and end at a cozy location of your choice. 

Lastly, I want you to know about something that has been in the works almost as long as the workshop.

It began as a conversation. My husband went out on a photo walk/child-free date with me and he had questions. Luckily, I had answers, a LOT of answers. So many that I had to sit down and organize my thoughts, so I started writing them all down.  What started as a bullet-point list to hand out to workshop students turned into a long essay. Then it turned into a slideshow, then it turned into a book. 

I have never aspired to write an instructional manual.  What I do aspire to do though, is to create an environment where people are invited to slow down, pay attention to even the smallest of details around them, and take photos using film. I want to have conversations about light. I want to talk about color, story, composition, and missing the moment to stumble onto something even better. I want to give you permission to spend time just marveling at this world, finding beauty everywhere, because it truly is everywhere.

I decided to put all my thoughts into a little booklet that is given to all of my photo walk students. The book is included in the experience of the workshop, but now it is available to everyone who can’t make it to a workshop as well.  

email to buy your copy!

Lastly, this workshop series has received a generous grant from the Maine Arts Commission, which I am so thankful for. It is funded in part by a grant from the Maine Arts Commission, an independent state agency supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.