Kerry Constantino

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Family Photos on Peaks Island, Maine.

When one of my favorite family clients asked me if I would be willing to come over to Peaks Island to take some family photos I didn’t need to think about it. “Yes!” I exclaimed, because any excuse to hop over to the island is a good excuse. 

Just a quick ferry ride from Portland, Maine across Casco Bay, brings you to this sweet community.  One of the things that I love the most about visiting Peaks Island is how even though it looks right at Portland,  it feels distinctly different. Once you are on the island you notice the abundance of golf carts, bicycles, and other modes of transportation. Peaks Island doesn’t have a public transportation system because the whole island is around 740 acres, with the Peaks Island Loop clocking in at around 4 miles, mapping the perimeter of the island. So, when you are on there, make sure you have good walking shoes, a bike, or a plan for renting a golf cart. I began the day with a beautiful session at a home on Spar Cove, on the eastern side of the island. It was sunny, warm, and bright, perfect for family photos.

As our session progressed, they showed me around the house, combed the beach for sea glass, played on the rocky shore of the cove, and found little sea-snails. 

It is not often that I am awestruck, so much that I forget where I am, forget my camera is there, forget that I’m working, but that morning, on Spar Cove, off the coast of Maine, a child said to me while holding a tiny sea snail, “If you sing to them, they come out of their shell.” I wasn’t sure if this was a claim that I could believe, certainly we have all tried at some point to commune with animals, but then a little snail emerged from his shell, beckoned by the quiet humming of “the battle hymn of the republic.” This is one of my most treasured moments of being a photographer. To be brought to this magical island, so close to my home, then shown a small miracle. 

After that, I was off to visit Sandy Beach on the Southwest side of the Island for another family session. A short walk from the ferry terminal, Sandy beach feels quiet and intimate, even with other families there, we still had plenty of room to move around, play, and take some gorgeous photos. 

After saying goodbye to my wonderful clients, I met up with my own family, to make a day of it. We took a walk, played some more on Sandy Beach, and ate some pizza at Il Leone. After the short walk back to the ferry terminal, we sat on the pier and waited for the Peaks Island Ferry to pick us up. We watched as people jumped off the pier and swam near the docks. Life felt like it slowed down a bit over on the island. Shortly thereafter the ferry arrived and we hopped on board. As I looked back at Peaks Island, I couldn't help but wonder how soon I would be able to come back for more family photo fun.